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Ka.app Progress Update: Internal Testing, App Improvements, and More!

by Pat

Content Manager

Hey, Kastians! Two weeks ago, we released our first progress update which talked about cash, our progressive web app (PWA), region expansion, app improvements, and other initiatives. Thank you for your positive feedback!

This time, we’re back with more news and progress on our previous update! Without further ado, let’s dive right into it!

Cash Beta

To those who are anticipating Cash Beta, we’re happy to report that our team just finished the first round of internal testing. Some areas of improvement were identified, but no major changes are required.

Ongoing: Round 2 of Internal Testing

Our technology team is working on the feedback from our first internal test group. We want Cash Beta to offer nothing but the best experience, so we’re doing another round of internal testing with a bigger group.

The test includes activating Cash Beta, doing euro swaps, sending and receiving euros to and from other Ka.app users, and using IBAN to wire euros in and out of Ka.app.

What’s Next?

After internal testing and enhancements based on the feedback, we'll invite some active Ka.app customers to evaluate Cash Beta and provide their input. We are committed to a user-centric approach, so our team may also set up calls with them to discuss their suggested improvements.

Once this external testing is done, we will launch Cash Beta and it will be available to European Economic Area (EEA) users.


We’ve completed the first round of testing for the PWA using various types of devices and browsers. Our testers used smartphones, desktops, laptops, tablets, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and more.

They spotted some room for optimization, and our team was on top of it right away. We’ve improved and continue to improve our overall speed of iteration, which means that we’ll be able to make adjustments and deploy new versions quicker.

Ongoing: Round 2 of Internal Testing

The PWA is going through another round of testing before we show it to external testers. The testing is highly comprehensive—we want testers to use every function possible in the web app, from logging in and verifying their assets to sending, receiving, depositing, withdrawing, and converting crypto. We also asked some testers to refer a friend, enter a KASTA tier, type incorrect passwords, or enter incorrect verification codes and share their experience.

What’s Next?

As planned, after internal testing, we will invite some active Ka.app users to test the PWA. If you become part of this group, please utilize as many functions as you can with as many devices as possible. This will help us detect potential improvement opportunities  and provide the top-tier user experience you deserve.

App Improvements

Aside from our core works in progress, our team is also working on a few app improvements to continuously facilitate hassle-free transactions. These include:

  • Token Automation

We know many of you want to see more tokens in Ka.app, so we’re working on implementing token automation. This will make it easier and faster for us to add new cryptocurrencies to the app and offer you more payment options.

  • Navigation Tweaks for Swap

As mentioned in the previous update, we're continuously innovating and refining our 'Swap' feature for a smoother user experience. In fact, we’ve made some minor navigation tweaks for swaps. You will now land immediately on the amount screen after tapping the swap icon. This should make the feature more convenient to use.

  • Login Screen Update

We changed the image on our login screen to make it look more appealing and easy on the eyes. Check it out and let us know what you think.

  • Portfolio View Update

With our recent portfolio update, we removed the graphs on top of the crypto value of your funds and replaced them with the dollar value of your funds. Therefore, you can now view the value of your funds in both crypto and in USD.

This makes it easier to determine how much crypto you have, without manually searching their value in fiat currency.

  • Transaction History Testing

We're making improvements to our transaction history screen, including our filters, list items, and some functionalities, to provide a better way to view and access your previous transactions.

We’re improving the layout as well to make it easier for you to see what currency you used, what time you made your transactions, and more. The transaction history prototype is being tested by some internal and external users.

  • Overall Performance Improvement

Our team is continuously enhancing the overall performance of our app. We're making strides in refining and optimizing Ka.app’s speed, ease of use, and security.

Additional Updates

Want more updates? Here are a few other things we have in the pipeline:

  • Research Project

Our product and marketing teams just completed our biggest research project that focused on different markets, users, and features for expansion outside Europe. We’ve also prepared an internal product package which may be available once we can offer our services in other regions. The documents are in the hands of our developers for review and assessment of the next steps.

  • Website

We’re working on implementing a new content management system (CMS) that will make it easier and faster for us to publish content, release Ka.app announcements, and keep you updated on our progress. The CMS is in the final stages of internal testing and should be live soon.

  • Customer Support

Customer support is coming out on top! Our previous week’s customer satisfaction (CSAT) score was 100%. CSAT is a metric that we use to assess how pleased our users are with our customer support services. We get the scores by conducting customer satisfaction surveys and/or asking our users to rate their experience.

In addition, our support team was able to solve 70% of our tickets with just one response, showing how efficient they are when responding to issues or inquiries.

Final Thoughts

It is our pleasure to keep you updated with what’s going on behind the scenes because we consider you, our users, as our partners in building Ka.app.

Be sure to stay in the loop for more exciting announcements and updates. Our team is committed to maintaining this open dialogue, especially in our social media channels, so we can hear more of what you need and provide as much value as we can through our services.

Again, we are grateful for your continued support, Kastians! Here’s to building during the bear market and focusing on convenient crypto payments!


How do you select Ka.app users for testing?

When choosing external Ka.app testers, we consider their availability and active participation within our community. We also look for their eagerness to contribute constructive feedback regarding our services.

What are the main features of Ka.app?

Ka.app allows you to quickly send crypto for free if the Ka.app recipient accepts the payment in the same currency (e.g., sent in Bitcoin and received in Bitcoin.) At the same time, you can swap crypto payments to your preferred currency (e.g., sent in Bitcoin and received in Ethereum.)

The app also allows you to lock up KASTA tokens, and convert, deposit, and withdraw funds.

What is the KASTA token?

KASTA is the native crypto of Ka.app. It’s an ERC-20 token that uses the Polygon network. Some of KASTA’s use cases include being a payment method for crypto transfers, yield multiplication, activation of swap fee discounts, an option for trading, and distribution of app rewards, among others.


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