Home / Blog / Ka.app Progress Update (18/12/2023): Cash Is Live on the PWA!

Ka.app Progress Update (18/12/2023): Cash Is Live on the PWA!

by Pat

Content Manager

We’re down to a few days before the year ends, and guess what? We’re ending 2023 with a bang! A big part of this goes to launching our key features on the progressive web app (PWA), and our massive growth as a community. Let’s get into it below.

Cash Beta and PWA

  • Cash Beta Is Live!

Good news to our European Economic Area (EEA) users! You can now access our cash services on the PWA! This includes being able to create your own IBAN, buy crypto with euros, sell crypto for euros, send and receive euros for free with other Ka.app users, receive payments or salaries from external IBAN users, pay bills quickly, and more!

If you’ve already activated your cash account on mobile, we encourage you to use the web app over the mobile app to stay updated with the latest version of our services. Although you can still use the mobile app, most of our ongoing efforts will go into the web app moving forward.

  • Know Your Customer (KYC) Levels Available Now

Our different KYC levels are now live on the PWA, with each level having different transaction limits and requirements. If you’re looking for “no limit” transactions, please verify yourself and pass KYC level 2 and/or KYC level 3 (specific to cash transactions).

It’s important to note though that even if you pass KYC level 2 or level 3, our compliance team may still review large transactions for safety and risk management purposes.

  • Debit Card

We’re finalizing the ordering process of our debit card, and our team is ready to begin internal testing of the order and activation flow. Once internal testing is done, we will move on to external testing with select Ka.app users. If you’re willing to participate in this testing phase, please let us know through our Telegram channel.

  • Additional On- & Off-Ramp Features

Since we’re done launching cash and our verification levels on the PWA, our current priority is implementing an off-ramp feature for Kastians outside Europe. This will allow users from the rest of the world to sell crypto for cash in their respective local currencies and also withdraw them to their bank accounts. More details will be provided once we’ve got the features set in stone and got the prototypes ready.

Other Product Improvements

  • Component Library

We’re improving the alignment of our component library between code and design for even better user experience.

  • Configuration

We just finished improving our overall configuration service. This will create a positive impact on our development process, testing, production, and overall security.

  • Security

The “forgot pin” option is now available on our platform in case you need to reset your Ka.app passcode for personal or security reasons.


  • Campaigns

We’re continuously rolling out campaigns—even in external markets—to attract new signups as well as strengthen customer loyalty. We also just launched a holiday campaign on our Twitter/X account. This will be a nice treat for our community, so make sure to convert your crypto to participate and get a chance to win!

  • User Growth

The number of our new depositing users increased by 76.79%, while our returning depositing users increased by 42.68% from December 4-12, 2023 compared to the prior period.

  • End of Year (EOY) Podcast

Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Carl Roegind and Marketing Manager Mathieu Sylvain recorded an insightful podcast discussing Ka.app’s 2023 highlights, and things you can look forward to in 2024. They also shared some of the greatest challenges we’ve conquered in 2023, and their thoughts about the market picking up the past couple of weeks. It will be published on our YouTube channel in the coming days.

Final Thoughts

It’s our last progress update in 2023! We’re happy to end the year with cash being available on the PWA and seeing massive growth in our community. In case you’re wondering what’s ahead, all we can say is that 2024 will be a year of more features, increased utility for the KASTA token, and bigger marketing initiatives.

As always, thank you for your support and confidence in the Ka.app team. Have a great time with friends and family over the holidays!


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