Home / Blog / Ka.app Progress Update (19/06/2023): Cash, PWA, Region Expansion & More!

Ka.app Progress Update (19/06/2023): Cash, PWA, Region Expansion & More!

by Pat

Content Manager

Our dearest Kastians, we’re thrilled to tell you that we’ve made huge progress on our much-awaited features and expansion goals!

From cash and our progressive web app (PWA) to working on region expansion, marketing efforts, and more, we’re here to give you a sneak peek of what’s happening in the background. Buckle up ‘cause we’ve got very exciting times ahead!

Cash Beta

One of our highly anticipated features is Cash, specifically the availability of euros and IBAN in the app. The good news is, we’ve already started testing the beta version of Cash internally after passing compliance and security checks.

Ongoing: Testing with the Ka.app team

We've assigned a small team to test our euro and IBAN features. Their objective? Uncover bugs, evaluate the flow, test the ease of use, and Cash Beta’s overall performance.

To ensure that our product adheres to our standards, we will do another round of testing with a bigger internal group.

What's Next?

Once we've polished Cash Beta, we will invite some external Ka.app users to test it further and provide feedback. After the potential fixes and updates, Cash Beta will go live and become available to all European Economic Area (EEA) customers.

PWA (Progressive Web App)

We’re getting closer and closer to making Ka.app services accessible using your desktop. Our PWA prototypes are ready and going through a series of tests.

Ongoing: Testing with the Ka.app team

Our team is putting the PWA through testing. We are testing new technology overall and not just full-feature packages.

What’s Next?

We can’t go live without customer feedback, so after internal testing, we’re planning to test the PWA with a closed beta group. This will again help us gather feedback to improve its functionality further.

Buy Feature

With the Buy feature, you’ll be able to purchase crypto on Ka.app directly using your own card. We've developed our ideal minimum viable product (MVP) and it's now in the hands of our developers for testing.

Whether you can buy crypto with a credit, debit card or both, will be determined at further date.

Ongoing: Testing with the Ka.app team

We're committed to pushing our initial prototypes to their limits. They are being tested internally and will continue to be tested until we're sure that they're up to our standards.

What’s Next?

After internal testing, we will also invite select Ka.app users to test the Buy feature, collect feedback, and make necessary updates. Should you be invited, please don’t hold back, as your feedback will play a huge role in solidifying this feature.

Region Expansion

Many of you have been asking us to bring Ka.app beyond Europe, and we’re making progress in this regard! After conducting comprehensive market research in various countries, we've started developing our sign-up and discovery flow prototypes for new regions.

Ongoing: Preparation of sign-up flow for testing

We’re nearly done with the prototypes and we’re also arranging what we need for testing. Continuous iterations are in the works.

What’s Next?

Once the prototypes are ready, we will conduct thorough internal testing and will invite select Kastians to test them. And for some insider scoop, our team is thinking of offering cash features outside EEA as well.

Improvements Based on Feedback

We take your requests and feedback very seriously, and we've been making changes you're going to love. Some of these include:

• Email login/verification

The email login/verification is a heavily requested addition to our app. We’re pleased to share that you can now conveniently and securely undergo email login/verification.

• Swap button on the home screen

We recently added a core functionality to the home screen – the swap icon. This will make the convert crypto feature effortless to access. Rest assured that we're continuously innovating and refining our Swap feature for an unparalleled user experience.

Additional Updates

Here are a few more updates on what's happening behind the scenes:

• User interviews

We’ve interviewed and continue to interview several users to hear their expectations and what they want to see in Ka.app, while gathering feedback on what we have so far. We are defining a structured roadmap internally based on user feedback that aligns with our overall business and product strategy, as well as our overarching vision of making crypto payments easier.

• Mini marketing campaigns

We’ve been conducting marketing campaigns to stay connected with you, our community, and to thank customers for their continued support as we continue to onboard new users. These campaigns include crypto giveaways, such as the Polkadot (DOT) giveaway, Swapathon, $KATAG promo, and the Portfolio Power-Up campaign, among others.

• Customer support

We have streamlined our customer support process to a degree that our average first response time is just 4.2 minutes. This isn’t just a number, but a testament that we value your time as much as you do.

Final Thoughts

In the face of the current bear market, our team is working hard behind the scenes to keep the momentum going, all thanks to your unwavering support. The positive strides we continue to make wouldn't be possible without you. From the Ka.app team, we’d like to thank you. We are fully committed to fine-tuning our services to better suit your crypto payment needs.

Keep an eye out as we plan to continuously keep you in the loop by providing more granular updates. A push for transparency is needed in the crypto space and we are here to make it happen.

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What does Cash Beta mean?

Cash Beta is the initial version of our cash feature. We called it beta as it would only include euro and IBAN, but more cash features will be released later on.

What is PWA?

A PWA is like a bridge between a website and a mobile app. It offers you the convenience and features of a mobile app but without the need for downloading it from an app store. It loads quickly, even if your internet connection is slow. You can even add it to your home screen, just like a regular app, and it starts showing you notifications.

How do you select Ka.app users for testing?

We select open beta testers based on how active they are in our community, their availability, and their willingness to provide valuable feedback about our offerings.


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