Mar 12
4 min read Progress Update (11/09/2023): Cash, PWA & Architecture Upgrade

Ka. Expert

Another two weeks passed, another progress update! We’ve concentrated on cash and our progressive web app (PWA), plus some app enhancements to make your experience more robust and convenient. Let’s get on the specifics, shall we?

Cash Beta

We’re triple-checking the performance of our Cash Beta features to ensure their seamless release to European Economic Area (EEA) customers. Again, these features include the availability of euros in the app and being able to create your own IBAN.

Our marketing materials and other intricacies are ready and will be out as soon as we’ve finished optimizing our features. A separate announcement will be released as soon as Cash Beta goes live.


Our team is working on the logistics related to our Ka. Debit Card, while preparing for Cash Beta to go live. The testing of prototypes for additional cash features is also in progress.

What’s Next?

We will work on more prototypes for features that can make your crypto and fiat transactions as effortless as possible. We’re also fleshing out details regarding how the implementation phase will take place once we’re done testing these prototypes.

PWA Beta Testing

We’ve kicked off another round of internal tests for our buy crypto, KASTA tiers, signup, and transaction history screens in our progressive web app.


We’ll continue with internal testing in the coming days, and work on the applicable enhancements before moving forward to the next step.

What’s Next?

You, Kastians, will play a huge role in more PWA tests. We will invite those who are keen on doing the comprehensive tests with us for valuable feedback that can help make the PWA’s UI/UX, speed, and other aspects up to standard.

Architecture Upgrade

Our architecture upgrade is another ongoing project, and we recently just completed upgrading a blockchain-related component in our system. This will improve the performance of our deposit and withdrawal screens, especially their speed and efficiency.

The overall project will streamline the core structure of our app, promote simplicity, and improve the quality of our future testing procedures. This will pave the way for smoother operations and expedite the process of introducing new features and functionalities to the app while improving our customer support services.

Mini Marketing Deposit Campaign

You know how much we love crypto giveaways, so we hosted another one last August 24-30, 2023! The mechanics were simple: just deposit at least $10 worth of crypto on and follow us on Twitter. One lucky winner received $500 in USDT, and if that’s you, congratulations! To everyone who joined, thanks for participating as well!

Final Thoughts

We’ve gone so far, Kastians, and we keep going forward! We’re grateful for everyone who’s been sending positive remarks on our progress updates, and are eagerly anticipating the release of our new offerings.

Be sure to connect with us on social media to stay updated regarding our giveaways, promotions, and future announcements.

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