Tether (USDT) and Binance Coin (BNB) are two of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the crypto market. USDT is a stablecoin pegged to the U.S. Dollar, while BNB is the native cryptocurrency of the Binance blockchain.
Some crypto users swap USDT for BNB and vice versa for various reasons, such as to take advantage of favorable market conditions, maintain profits, or avail of something that only accepts payments in the other cryptocurrency.
And if you’re wondering, can I swap USDT for BNB? Of course, you can. It’s actually quick and easy nowadays, especially if you sign up on Ka.app. It requires just a few steps to complete a swap.
Where to Swap USDT for BNB?
Many crypto and financial technology (FinTech) platforms allow you to swap USDT for BNB. These include crypto exchanges, crypto wallets, crypto swapping sites, and crypto payment apps. They may vary on several factors though, such as the ease of use, the time it takes to finish a swap, and the swapping fees.
Two Swap Features on Ka.app
Ka.app, a crypto payment app that allows users to send crypto fast, has two different swap features. The first one is the Swap button, which enables you to directly swap one crypto for another quickly and easily. The second one is the Easy Swap Engine, which automatically swaps the crypto payments users receive for their preferred cryptocurrency (e.g. if a friend sends you USDT but you prefer to be paid in BNB, you can enable the Easy Swap feature to automatically convert and receive USDT payments (or all other payments) into BNB.
Tether to Binance Coin Swapping Guide Using Ka.app
Here are the step-by-step guides on how you can swap USDT for BNB using Ka.app’s swap features:
1. The Swap Button
2. The Easy Swap Engine
Final Thoughts
Completing a crypto swap is easy and convenient on Ka.app. Aside from USDT and BNB, the app also accepts Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Polygon (MATIC), the KASTA token, USDC, and BUSD. More coins and tokens will be added soon as the company continuously aims to expand the app’s utility.
Sign up on Ka.app to start swapping or sending crypto payments.
How much are the swapping fees on Ka.app?
It depends on whether you’ve locked up KASTA tokens on the app or not. Users who locked up tokens on the app enter tiers that offer swapping fee discounts. The more tokens you’ve locked up, the lower the swapping cost you can enjoy.
How long does it take to swap USDT for BNB on Ka.app?
Just a few seconds. Sign up on Ka.app as it facilitates all types of transactions quickly.
Is it safe to use Ka.app for swapping crypto?
Yes. Ka.app conducts delicate Know Your Customer (KYC) checks for sign-ups to validate the identity of users and prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illegal financial activities. Additionally, the app requires a pin code when logging into the app and confirming transactions to avoid unauthorised usage of funds.