Wow, February went by really fast, didn’t it? Anyway, we just want to check in with you for a quick progress update!
The last two weeks were eventful for our team and our community, so let’s do a roundup of the happenings and discuss our ongoing work behind the scenes!
Ka.app Developments You Need to Know
Top Up with a Card
Here’s a new one on our list, Kastians! We just finished the initial prototype for topping up your Ka. Cash account with an external debit/credit card. This will make adding euros to your crypto wallet much quicker (as compared to making IBAN deposits), allowing you to buy crypto with ease! On- and off-ramping will only get easier with Ka.app!
The Option to Pay Fees with KASTA tokens
We previously mentioned that we’re prioritizing adding more utilities for KASTA, our native cryptocurrency. The good news is that we just finished the initial flow of the option to pay all service fees on Ka.app with the KASTA token!
We’re still refining the flow, and it will go through extensive reviews before the official internal testing in the upcoming weeks.
Debit Card Tests
Speaking of internal testing, we’re getting closer to our final Ka. Debit Card’s internal tests! Our letterhead is also set and ready! The next step after we complete these internal tests will be to reach out to some active Ka.app users for external testing and additional feedback. If you want to participate, please let us know on Telegram.
We can’t wait to see you shopping online, dining out, and traveling with your Ka. Debit Card! We’re doing our best to make the card available to you as soon as possible. As mentioned in previous updates, we are aiming to release the card in the first half of this year. Stay tuned for more updates!
Google Signup and Login
Another one that’s still being tested is our Google sign up and log in option. This will allow you to quickly sign up and/or log in on Ka.app with your Google account—no need to manually enter your email and password.
Implementing Company-Wide Analytics
Our company-wide growth initiatives are still taking place! One of our current focus points is to optimize our analytics to maximize our signups and support our data driven marketing and product approach. We’ve been conducting research in the past few weeks, along with data gathering, A/B tests, data analysis, and rolling out relevant enhancements on our website and the web app to achieve our desired results.
Community Events
Did you catch our most recent community events? We hope you did because they were a lot of fun! In case you missed them, here are the two main things we enjoyed with some Kastians the last two weeks:
Ka.app Appreciation Day
We held our first Ka.app Appreciation Day on February 18, 2024! This event encouraged users to show some love for Ka.app through a creative post on X! Participants had the freedom to curate their post however they like, whether it’s a thread, feedback post, photo, video, meme, etc.
We awarded $25 worth of KASTA to the best post based on quality and engagement. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!
Ka. Trivia
We’ve been doing trivia events the past couple of months, and the most recent one, held last February 25, 2024, was definitely worth mentioning! We gave a total of 15 questions, and rewarded the top 3 participants with the most correct answers. Plus, there was one bonus reward, too!
Half of the questions were simple crypto questions, while the other half were related to Ka.app, specifically our Ka. Cash feature.
If you haven’t tried any Ka. Trivia yet, we’re inviting you to join the next ones for a chance to win exciting rewards! Be sure to follow us on X to catch our next trivia announcement!
Final Thoughts
This was a shorter progress update compared to our previous ones, but it’s totally packed with exciting features coming up, especially the Ka. Debit Card! Thanks for your relentless support as we continuously build and develop the most convenient platform for buying, selling, converting, and sending digital currencies. ‘Til our next progress update!