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We Have a New Domain: From kasta.io to ka.app

by Pat

Content Manager

Hey, Kastians! Some of you were curious about why we migrated our domain name from kasta.io to ka.app. We value the trust and transparency we’ve built in our community, so we wanted to share all the exciting reasons behind this change and why we believe it's the right move for us.

Making a Clear Distinction Between the App and the Token

If you’ve been with us since our launch, you know that we started our journey as Kasta, which means ‘throw’ in Swedish. We find it very appropriate to how we want to deliver crypto payments—quick and easy, just like throwing a ball. We also called our ERC-20 token KASTA as it is the native cryptocurrency of our app.

However, later, we realised it would be more appropriate to separate the two, at least in distinction, to make it easier for you to discuss one from the other. That’s why a few months ago, we started calling our app Ka.app instead of Kasta app, while our token remains the KASTA token.

And, since most of what’s on our website is about our app, we thought of migrating our domain name from kasta.io to ka.app. This helps in establishing and reinforcing our brand identity while reaping other benefits.

Top 4 Benefits of Our Domain Migration

Domain migration can be a complex process but it offers multiple benefits. Some of these include:

1.  Better Brand Recognition

Changing our domain to the name of our app can strengthen our credibility as a brand, as it signals consistency and professionalism. At the same time, it can make it easier for new users to recall our website address, and simplify the process of searching about us or obtaining more information about our services.

2. Easier Access to Our Progressive Web App (PWA)

Shifting our domain to ka.app will streamline how you can access our PWA, which will be the desktop version of our app. The PWA is one of our core works in progress. It will be a subdomain of ka.app, so you no longer have to search for it separately or go to a different website.

3.  Opportunity to Optimise Content for Better Search Engine Rankings

One of the key benefits of domain migration is the opportunity to enhance our search engine rankings. During the migration process, we were able to update and optimise the content, structure, and meta tags of our website based on the new keywords we want to rank for.

With proper redirects, aligned with search engine optimisation (SEO) best practices, we can enhance our online visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately reach a broader audience.

4.  Opportunity to Provide Better User Experience

Going through domain migration allowed us to implement necessary updates or improvements to our website infrastructure. In fact, during the migration, we were able to optimise the performance and functionality of our site, ensuring that you can navigate smoothly, find the information you need, and interact with our platform effortlessly.

Also, with ka.app as our domain name, you will directly go to our website when you type our app on your web browser, instead of being directed to a search engine. This results in a faster and more convenient browsing experience.

The Bottom Line

Migrating our domain name from kasta.io to ka.app is definitely one of the best decisions we’ve done for our brand so far. This can help us establish the distinction between our app and our token, improve our brand credibility, and also make it easier for you to find us or search about our offerings.

How are you finding our new domain? Let us know your thoughts on Telegram or Twitter!


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