Home / Progress / Ka.app Progress Update (20/11/2023): Beta Tests, Ka. Debit Card, and Improvements

Ka.app Progress Update (20/11/2023): Beta Tests, Ka. Debit Card, and Improvements

by Pat

Content Manager

Here we go with another progress update! We’re maximising the last two months of 2023, so the past two weeks have been exceptionally productive. Learn more about what we've been working on below.

Cash Beta and Progressive Web App (PWA)

  • Continued Testing

As mentioned in our previous progress update, one of our current priorities is making cash available on the Ka. Web App for our European Economic Area (EEA) users. We’ve already finished internal testing for the cash features, and our team is working on a few enhancements to refine the flow and overall quality of the product. Once they’re done, we will proceed to external testing with users from our EEA community.

Also, we recently completed the second round of internal testing for different verification levels (KYC) which will allow for secure increased transaction limits. External testing will be scheduled in the upcoming weeks.

  • Ka. Debit Card

The much-awaited Ka. Debit Card is another priority for us. We’re nearly done with the final stages of prototype testing, and we’ve added a few more design elements. Development for the card should start soon. Stay tuned in the upcoming months for its official release.

  • More On- and Off-Ramp Features

We’re still working on additional ways to buy and sell crypto on the PWA. In fact, we just finished new prototypes for more on- and off-ramp methods. Our team will test these prototypes in the coming weeks and make adjustments as needed.

Minor Product Improvements

While working on cash and the PWA, we're also making the following refinements to our platform:

  • PIN Code Optimisation

Your convenience is paramount to us, so we started optimising the PIN code prompts on Ka.app. Through this initiative, you’ll encounter fewer PIN code requests while using the platform without compromising security.

  • Architecture and Security Improvements

Our architecture upgrade and security improvements are still in motion, but they’ve made significant progress. Just as we mentioned in our previous update, our internal testing processes have continued to increase in reliability and our two-factor authentication (2FA) security feature is underway.

  • Product Market Research

Our ongoing product market research will play a crucial role in continuously improving our platform. By collecting feedback from existing Ka.app users through meetings, surveys, and tests as well as analysing behavioral patterns, we can get valuable insights into your needs and preferences. These will help us continuously provide high-quality services, improve user satisfaction, and evolve and innovate for the future.

Customer Support

Our customer support team has responded to every ticket we received during operation hours in under two minutes. We have a 93% solve rate in the past two weeks, and 100% of the tickets we’ve resolved were closed in less than 24 hours.


  • Usage Growth

We’re happy to share that we're maintaining the momentum we’ve gained from the launch of Cash Beta and the PWA. Our new depositing users increased by 258.33% from November 2-16, 2023, while our new converting users increased by 293.55%, compared to the previous two-week period. Ka.app usage is continuing to increase - a great sign!

  • Campaigns

Giveaways are how we give back to our community. We hosted two in the past two weeks worth $500 each. The first one ran from November 9 to 14, 2023, and the other one was published last November 16 and will run until November 21, 2023. We’re also trying to reach out to external communities by hosting trivia games on Telegram with designated KASTA token prizes for participants. Make sure to join.

  • Core Messaging Analysis

We’ve been conducting internal research that will help us redefine our core communication and tailor our messaging in accordance with the different communities and individual preferences of our users. This will help create a more tailored experience for customers. There may also be some upcoming gamification initiatives!

Final Thoughts

Optimism has been surrounding the crypto market for the past few weeks, encouraging our team to work double time to release as many top-grade features as possible as we look forward to the future.

Also, we’re over the moon with our progress as a community. Per usual, we’re not ending an update without thanking you, Kastians. We wouldn’t have accomplished any of this without you. Looking forward to our next milestones together!


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